SGA Students

SGA Students
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Monday, September 13, 2010

The FAQs of SHIS Girls' Academy

1.      The purpose of education conducted in SHIS Girls’ Academy and the level of education the teachers of SHIS Girls’ Academy pursue:
The main purpose of education conducted in SHIS Girls’ Academy is to make her students self reliable in their life. SHIS Girls’ Academy has three mottos in teaching her students, i.e., girl child education, self- reliance and physical & mental hygiene.
Keeping in mind the main purpose of education, we, the teachers of SGA, pursue the highest level and aim of education, i.e., to make educated mothers for the nation and to produce personalities with moral dignity and conscience. In this regard, we prefer the use of technology in the class- rooms (use of computers, multimedia projectors, sound systems etc.) as well as class rooms under the sky- on the lap of nature (the method of Viswabharati University). To complete the prescribed syllabus of each class, the class room teachings and campaigns outside the class rooms are enough and suitable, but to teach them the ‘moral’, we utilize the 24x7 time-span. While playing, or chatting with friends, our students always think about their aim in life. Whether the teacher is with them or not, they always think of their betterment. Our teachers have cultivated this type of mentality among the students. We make them think, ask and do – so this is the level of education, we pursue.
2.      Similarities and differences in education and management system between SHIS Girls’ Academy and other general schools:
Of course, there are some similarities and differences in education and management system between our school and the schools for the general pupil. They are furnished as follows:
Similarities in Education System between SHIS Girls’ Academy and other general schools
i.                    All the students of the school are divided into some classes (according to their age and maturity of brain). Each class again is divided into some sections (according to merit level of the students).
The estimated age groups of students, according to their maturity level of brain, are prescribed for the following classes-
Age Group
14 to 16
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners
13 to 14
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners
12 to 13
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners
11 to 12
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners
10 to 11
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners
9 to 10
A è for the higher ability groups or the fast learners
B è for the lower ability groups or the slow learners

ii.                  There are the subject-teachers, the experts of their respective subjects. They are given charge of their subject in some classes / all classes.
iii.                Both the schools have a prescribed syllabus (class wise and subject wise) which are to be taught within a time span of a single year. We call this time span ‘Academic Session’.
iv.                Apart from the class room teaching and completion of syllabi, the students are offered ample scope to flourish their talents in various creative fields like music, acting, choreography, drawing, composition etc.
v.                  Like the general schools, our school also prefers the school uniform to ensure uniformity among the students.
vi.                Like the general schools, our school also has her own class- schedule for all the classes. The entire school time is divided into some time slots and different subjects are taught in those different time slots. At the middle, there is a break. The school time is from 11:00am to 4:10pm.
vii.              Both types of schools distribute free study materials to the students. But the difference is that, we give free books to all our students (from class V to X) but, other schools provide only for the students up to class VIII.
Similarities in Management System between SHIS Girls’ Academy and other general schools
i.                    In both type of schools, the Headmaster/ Headmistress is the supreme authority. They can resolute a decision after having discussion with the Assistant Teachers.
Difference in Education System between SHIS Girls’ Academy and other general schools
i.                    The first and foremost difference in education system of SHIS Girls’ Academy with other schools is her teachers. The teachers in this school are not just ‘teachers’ for all the time, they sometimes act as a ‘guide’ or sometimes as a ‘friend’ to the students. We believe that there is nothing better than ‘self study’ and ‘self realization’. We give lessons to the students and also give them opportunity to express their own view in their own language. They study themselves and if any problem faced, the teacher guides them to solve it in an indirect manner. As if it seems that they are solving their own problems. By this, a self esteem is grown among them and they are ready to face any challenge in their life. Our teachers act as a ‘friend’ to them to energize and make them struggle with so many inconveniences in their own life. For our students’ development, we create an atmosphere of sharing, caring, sympathy and respect. Sometimes, our teachers become ‘nurse’ for the wounded or sick students.
The class room culture of other schools is quite different. The teachers of other schools prefer lecture method throughout the year and no student can express his/ her own view regarding that topic. So, their final evaluation is based on some selected questions from some selected topics. The students remain in total darkness when they are asked about the unfamiliar topics within the syllabi. And the multi dimensional act like ‘guide’, ‘friend’ or ‘nurse’, is a ‘no-way’ for the teachers of those schools.
ii.                  We don’t make the lesson a burden for the students. They come to school, learn something, express their own views, do the class works in the class and also do the home works in the class because they don’t have suitable home environment to study. That’s why they are given the only home task – ‘think, realize and ask questions the next day’. There is no ‘work book culture’ at home. The next day, when they come to school again and ask their own questions, the teachers discuss it and some other students also participate in the discussion with their own views. This makes the lesson interesting. And the lesson becomes a less load but a great fun for them. They don’t need any private tuition also.
The lesson giving and synthesis in other schools are based on ‘private tuition’. Lessons are once delivered, would not be repeated once more for ‘lack of time’. This becomes load for the students and they invest their time in searching for a ‘good private tutor’ and ‘made-easy books’.
iii.                The evaluation system of our school is far more scientific and modern than that of other schools. We have divided the entire syllabus into some equal and smaller parts or units and we also divided the academic session/ year into the same and assigned the partial syllabus for that particular period of the year. After completion of the syllabus, we organize some ‘term-end-tests’ or ‘unit tests’ for each class and each subject. There are four unit tests throughout the year and each subject consisting of 25 marks each unit. At the end of the year there is a final test or Annual Examination consisting of 90 marks for each subject. The syllabus for Annual Exam is A to Z of the lessons taught throughout the year. At the end or at the last half of the year, there is an oral test consisting of 10 marks each. These 10 marks are evaluated on the basis of a student’s overall performance (class room involvement and reaction, basic knowledge on that subject etc) and on a ‘face to face interview’ with the concerned teacher of that subject. The final result is calculated gathering all the marks [viz. (25x4)+90+10=200] and its percentage. We put some grade letters like: A++, A+, A, B+, B etc. against the percentage scored by the students to wipe off frustrations due to difference in positions for 1 or 2 marks. We are trying to create an environment of competition but a healthy one without the touch of envy, distress, frustration among the students.
The other schools have ‘unit test system’; but it is more complicated and the syllabus division along with the full marks is uneven throughout the year, while the given time to complete the syllabus is equal! They don’t arrange any oral test based on the class performance and those points mentioned above.
iv.                To eliminate ‘examination phobia’ from the mind of our students, we use to arrange ‘sudden class test’ without any prior notice to the students, at least twice a month under the supervision of the concerned subject teachers. In this way, we are gradually enabling our students to face the examination bravely and score handsome marks. On the other hand, they are also preparing themselves unknowingly for the unit tests are always ready to take the challenge.
As per we know, the other general schools don’t have enough time to arrange such ‘sudden class tests’. So their students’ development is evaluated only by the unit tests of uneven full marks, and the Annual Exam.
v.                  Although government has declared the abolition of ‘pass-fail system’, we still are distinguishing the failed candidates from the passed ones. Throughout the year we monitor each and every student’s scores and if someone is suspected to fail, or someone’s development is not up to the mark, we call her guardian immediately in a ‘personal contact program’ and try to find out and wipe out the reason behind this along with the guardian.
A majority of other government aided schools have abided by the rule of abolishing the ‘pass-fail’ system, and the ‘failed’ candidate can also be admitted to the next higher class. So there is neither individual students’ development monitoring nor personal contact with guardians.
vi.                ‘Excursion by the help of foreign friends’ is another part of education which makes a good difference between the SGA and the other schools.
vii.              ‘Interaction and sharing of thoughts and culture with foreign guests’ is another example of difference.
viii.            The last, but not least difference is the students’ participation and involvement in the Annual Cultural Program. The number of participants is far more greater than that of any other schools. Those who can’t prove themselves in the cultural fields, enlist their names as volunteers to make the program a grand success each year.
Difference in Management System between SHIS Girls’ Academy and other general schools
i.                    All the other schools are guided by a Managing Committee headed by some politicians who understands less about education. The irony of fate is that, in managing the institution or taking a decision, they are given priority and importance and the decisions taken by them is laid upon the teachers and the students.
While in SGA, there is no such politician led Managing Committee. We think together, take decision together and act together along with SHIS Headquarters, Hon’ble President, Sabitri Pal, Hon’ble Director, Mr. M. A. Wohab and Hon’ble Headmistress Lovely Shuaraiya.
ii.                  The next good difference is ‘teacher-student ratio’ of each class. In ordinary schools, there are at least 100 to 250 students in a section. And they learn under the supervision of one teacher. So, for the teacher there, it is not possible to call up each student’s name – and their development. In this case, the teachers use ‘lecture method’ and ignore the participation of the students in the class.
In SGA, the student strength is 25 to 30 each class. So it is easy for our teachers to apply the teaching method mentioned before.
iii.                From this year, another distinguish has come up between these two types of schools. The other schools have introduced ‘mid-day meal’ and we have to stop this for lack of fund. On the other hand, we give away the school uniform by the help of some aids – while the students of the other schools have to buy their own.
iv.                A great difference is also noticed in the salary structure of the teachers of these two types of schools. The teachers of other schools are highly paid (ten times greater than that of our teachers)!
3.      Lunch problem solution by SHIS:
Up to the last academic session, we had morning shift as well as day shift. That time, the students had to turn up at the school premises early at 7:00 am. Then the day session was mandatory. They had to stay at school up to 4:10 pm. At that time we provided them a heavy meal. Now a days they are coming to school at 11:00 am and there is a break around at 1:45 pm. They are taking a light meal at that time. Still, some students remain hungry the whole day. To solve this problem, SHIS can set up a cheap-store or a low cost food stall for the students with the help of Donors and Guardians of the students. The students will buy food from there at the cost of ½ or 1/3 of the MRP. Paralally, SHIS should renew the agreement with the German Donors or find new donors for this.
4.      Popular Dream (Favourite Job) of SHIS Girls’ Academy:
As the last Korean Volunteers made ‘wish trees’ for the students, there are so many fruits there entitled – “Doctor” or “Teacher” or “Nurse” or “Social Work”. These are the favourite jobs for the students of SHIS Girls’ Academy.
5.      Embarrassing situation faced by the teachers of SHIS Girls’ Academy with the Volunteers:
We don’t remember such situations with the volunteers. They come to our school, stay and share some days with our students, arrange some programs (like class room teaching on crafts or science, Mini Olympic etc) and our teachers extend their hand of help towards them. Even we sought their help last year when there was our Annual Sports Day. The volunteers were given some assignments regarding the event and they did it enthusiastically with our teachers. We are proud of having such foreign friends.
6.      The Programs which future volunteers can do:
We will discuss this section dividing it into two halves: (a) program for the students, (b) program for the teachers. For the students they can arrange some career oriented program or personality development programs like career counseling (after making the wish tree, the volunteers can show the way to which the students shall approach thereafter to reach her dream). They can arrange more classes on hand-crafts and make it more like a workshop and less like a class. In that workshop, the students will produce their things and flourish their creativity and sell those things at the market (or even, SHIS can organize a hand-craft fair at the locality and our students can sell their articles there. The other self help groups can also join the fair to exhibit and sell their products also). The next thing, the volunteers can do for the children is to teach them hygiene.
For the teachers they can arrange some programs so that, we, the teachers can learn the teaching technique of their country and demonstrate ours. We believe ‘in sharing lies the secret of brotherhood of man’. On the other hand, a friendly football (soccer) or cricket match can be arranged between the teachers of the SGA and the volunteers. The students will enjoy the match very much.
7.      Differences of education curriculum between SHIS Girls’ Academy and SHIS Shishu Bikash Academy & Programs for girls such as ‘technique lessons’:
As there is a prescribed syllabus, and all the students are appearing for a common examination arranged by central (state level) board i.e., West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, after class X, there is not much difference in curriculum, or in the syllabus. But, what we do extra - is to create a mentality among the students to take the challenges in life (as described previously). We make them aware of the dangers like ‘early child marriage’ continuously. While teaching, we take utmost care because our students are different from others.
It is always good to apply the new and modern one. By ‘technique lessons’ what is meant, is not clear here. There are so many techniques in various fields. Technique of self defence – martial arts will be a great idea. The household techniques will raise interest among the students. Each and every day they are learning new techniques to prepare lessons. So, about which techniques do you ask of?
8.      Except education, the most required thing to eliminate the discrimination of women in India:
Three things are needed to eliminate the discrimination of women in India – producing self relied women, awareness among males to respect and give importance to their mothers, sisters and wives, and enforcement of law.
9.      The solution of drop outs:
To each and every problem, there is a solution. To stop ‘drop-out’ cases we can support the family of our students economically. On the other hand, we must isolate the girl from her home environment to make her study continue. In this respect, we can think of a girls’ hostel where the girl can continue her study securely and safely. At the last, we can enforce the law to stop pre-mature marriage among the girls.
10. The plan about a financial aid for economically underdeveloped students, apart from ‘free education’:
Yes, the economically underdeveloped students can be aided financially by arranging some hand-craft workshops where they will produce their own creation and can earn money by selling them (as stated before). Their guardians can be employed in various self-help groups organized by SHIS and according to their skill level, they can be absorbed in various departments. In this way, SHIS can have a plenty of human resources. They can be given family loans and the students can be given education loans if they want to study further.
11. The SHIS Girls’ Academy is the most successful instance of programs in SHIS and its reason:
We started from zero position along with some low-meritorious students. We have made, melt and mould their mentality and they are now shinning. Till today, we have produced two class ten batches who are now reading in class XI & XII respectively in some other schools. As the schools are situated at the local area, we can collect news of our ex-students and we are proud to witness that they have become the toppers of the other schools – without any private tuition, without any help. We are proud that we have produced them. All this could happen because of the foreign aids, sympathy, our teachers’ care and of course the iron determination of the students to stand up…. We are thankful to everybody.